Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Web OS Soon be Installed on All PCs from HP?

In an interview with Business Week magazine, the CEO of HP Leo Apotheker said he wished that all computers sold in the brand from next year be equipped with Web OS, the operating system HP has bought Palm in 2010. Already used in smartphones and Palm Palm Pre Pre 2, and soon the HP Tablet Palm in 2011, Web OS is a highly successful from the ergonomic point of view but rather adapted to the world of mobile terminal in its current appearance. The company is actively working on it and also hopes to install these printers.

For the new CEO of HP, Web OS is a tool that must serve to make the difference between the group's products and those of the competition. He said he would like to become a Web OS "a massive platform, which requires users to capture Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Android, but also to IOS. The advantage for the user would be able to connect their smartphone with his tablet and his personal computer.
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Twitter Brings 2.4 Million Users in France

According to a study Semiocast, a startup specializing in Parisian trend analysis on the Web, Twitter has about 210 million users worldwide. Among them, 2.4 million are in France, notes Silicon.fr .

This study of a sample of 52 million profiles worldwide, representing 24% of the followers of micro-blogging service, shows that the French seem more adept at Facebook - which brings together more than 20 million French users - as Twitter tweets.

Launched in March 2006, Twitter has passed the million profiles in France in 2010. But the same year, the two million mark was crossed.

Even if a slowdown in enrollment was observed in mid-2010, a significant increase was found with 160 000 new profiles for the month of February 2011.

France ranks as the 17th largest in the world in terms of users and represents only 1.1% of all location-based profiles. As for the leading trio, it is constituted by the United States, Japan and Brazil. The UK comes in fourth position with 10.5 million users.

Moreover, this study shows that only 1 user on 11 protects his Twitter account in France. Indeed, when an account is opened, it is public by default.

In other words, any user can view a list of tweet issued. The account can of course be protected later in order not to restrict access to their contacts. But few users do so visibly.

Still, the report states that "France is in 6th position of the countries where the accounts are the most protected (8.9%), behind Singapore (17.2%), Malaysia (14.8%), the Philippines (10.8%), United States (10.7%) and India (9.9%). In contrast, only 2% of Japanese users book their messages to their friends. "
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Firefox Release Candidate 4. The Final Version Still Scheduled for March

Available in 70 languages ​​for Linux, Mac OS and Windows, Firefox 4 is available for download in Release Candidate. Mozilla is still a launch in March, between 15 and 31 March.

Firefox 4 is now in the final straight. Mozilla provides Internet users now in effect a release candidate of its browser in 70 languages, and platforms for Windows , Mac OS and Linux .

Ergonomics, Mozilla has redesigned the site tabs and positioning them above the address bar to give them more visibility. Firefox 4 aligns well on Chrome and Opera.

Panorama ex Candy Tab, the real innovation of Firefox 4

Among the features provided by major Firefox 4, Mozilla also insists on syncing (settings, favorites, passwords ...) Sync with Firefox, the new extension manager, but especially Panorama (Candy Tab) for managing tabs.

This new feature introduced in July 2010 by Aza Raskin aims to enrich the tab management and simplify navigation within them.

"With one touch, you'll have access to an overview of all open tabs to easily find information that interests you and spend a tab or a tab group to another "describes Mozilla .

But a browser is also a lot of mechanics. Firefox 4 is therefore also working on the JavaScript engine (JägerMonkey) and support for Web standards, as WebM for playing video in HTML 5, WebGL, CSS 3, etc..

Officially, the launch of Firefox 4 is still expected (and hoped) for March. Between mid and late March we said France Mozilla. Other RC are not excluded by then. Firefox 3.6 had also benefited from two Firefox 3.5 Release Candidate and three.
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Sony Ericsson Signs Partnership With Canal

While the group wants to make his comeback on the segment of smartphones, the mobile TV application of the encrypted string will be marketed as early as April.

"Sony Ericsson will partner with the biggest names in entertainment," explains director France, Pierre Perron. Illustration of this strategy, the partnership between the phone manufacturer and Canal +. The platform will be available on some smartphones range from the month of April. The application will be embedded directly on phones. The offer is decorated with three months free trial on all of Canal +. Then, without subscription, only emissions will be available in clear.

The announcement came while the group wants to make her comeback on the smartphone segment. Outpaced the market, Sony Ericsson has added four new references to its Xperia range, with the ambition to sell 2 million units in France this year. Currently, he weighs 10% of this market, which stood at just under 8 million units in 2010.

To do this, the brand mobile phone, a joint venture equally owned by Sony and Ericsson, placing more than ever on his Japanese parentage. Sony Ericsson has taken its technology to Sony Bravia Engine that its TV crew to offer a "better signal processing, richer colors ...." For the photo, Exmor R is directly inherited from the image capture developed for ranges of SLR cameras and compact Japanese. With Xperia Play, the smartphone-game console, the brand has pushed the logic of convergence to a climax.

The convergence between television and the phone does not stop there. Connected to a TV with an HDMI cable, a smartphone brand makes "any connected TV." Indeed, it is possible, from its smartphone view photos, videos on his TV and even surfing. Everything is even easier when the TV is also a Sony, with a dedicated menu. But Sony TVs are themselves connected. "We are number two on TV in France and number one for sales of TV connected with 50% market share at the end of 2010," says Philippe Citroën, managing director of Sony France. A quarter of owners have actually connected their television. "They use it mainly for the TV catch up, Sony has a partnership with M6 Replay or visit community sites like Dailymotion," added Philippe Citroën.

Remains whether this marriage of the "best of both worlds", will be sufficient to allow Sony Ericsson to regain lost market share in mobile telephony.
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