Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Samsung Galaxy Pro: Android Temptation for BlackBerry Fans

Built by Samsung smartphone will respond with a full keyboard, especially a lot of typing. Despite the name, it's more settled in the initial segment. Samsung has again presented a new Android phone. The Galaxy Pro is quite compact and is especially diehard BlackBerry fans move to switch over to Android.

In addition to the 2.8-inch touchscreen with 320 x 240 pixels, the device also offers a fixed keyboard underneath, which will make it easier for many writers to express their thoughts in letters. The operating system Android is 2.2 for use.

Despite the "Pro" in its name, the new Galaxy phone is rather located in the lower. It has a processor with 800 MHz and a 3-megapixel camera. The screen resolution is very low, despite the compact dimensions. Prices are currently unknown, the device is still in March in the UK come to the market. Other European countries will follow.
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Atmosfair with Environment Rankings for Airlines

The compensation provider for the first time compiled a list of the most environmentally friendly airline - with surprising results. Similar to refrigerators and light bulbs usual, Atmosfair divided the airlines into Efficiency: The less CO2 emissions caused an airline to carry one passenger over a certain distance, the more efficient it is.

The categories A and B of this in the relatively complex calculations not only of the 116 investigated Airlines.

On the three top places to land on the short-range to 800 kilometers Air Europa, Kingfisher and Air New Zealand Link, are on the medium-range to 3,800 kilometers is Monarch Airlines and Eva Air, and on long-haul Air Transat, Alaska Airlines, and LAN. Lufthansa German Airlines ranks in the middle.

According Atmosfair Airline Index ( AAI ), the fuel consumption per passenger kilometer airline be very different one. Crucial to a good result is mainly young aircraft, close seating, and high utilization rates.

Not represented in the index are the low cost carriers. This one was deliberately excluded, Atmosfair CEO Dietrich Brock Hagen told the TAZ, because no one wanted to support their business model.

For the AAI, the airlines should young with their new and narrow cabin layout machines do not cut probably bad. "But we do not think the Ryanair customer, says with regard to our index: Great, that's totally organic, because I immediately book another flight," said Brock Hagen in the TAZ.
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Dragon Age 2 in The Test, Is this still Dragon Age?

Dragon Age 2 is an RPG first rate. But not as good as its superior predecessor. There are several reasons. five years. So much time had the Canadian studio BioWare to Dragon Age: Origins rating points), 92 developing GameStar (. The sequel to Dragon Age 2 Bioware crammed in just 18 months. Can such a short time an RPG of epic proportions similar to conjure up?

One that the previous grand is not only fair but even these offers? Skepticism is spreading. Skepticism about whether Bioware enough brains is in the story and the characters. Whether the balance of the work now action-packed fights. Dragon Age 2, and whether the player knows too emotional tie just as exciting to be narrated and packed with lots of dramatic events.

After we have explored every corner of the role play and we fought to the end credits, we can say that the doubts of the fans are entitled to. But only in part.

The beginning: the same for all

The effort has moved down, the developer is already at the start of the game significantly. Dragon Age 2 dispense with the popular intros Origins of the predecessor. Instead, we choose from three different, in short video snippets presented only histories that tell what happened to Part 1 is in the final. Alternatively, we may as in Mass Effect game of our Origins import.
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Motorola's Great Rival IPad "Xoom" Comes Too Late

The Xoom from Motorola is the first real rival iPad and appears now in the U.S.. Maybe too late, Apple has already introduced the iPad second. The now published in the U.S. Xoom Tablet computers from Motorola, which many consider the first real competitor to the Apple iPad. In a test showed that the device can actually compete in many areas with the flat iconic gadget. Only Apple has already been announced the iPad 2, which will come on Friday in the U.S. in the trade. The Xoom it should therefore have a hard time.

The Xoom is well equipped, has a large, high resolution touch screen and features a dual-core processor and a gigabyte (GB) of memory. The disk space is 32 GB. It is the first tablet on the market with Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) by Google operating system. This offers some significant improvements over previous versions of Android, which were designed for smartphones, but also found on some other tablets are.

Android 3.0 has been designed directly for the larger tablet machines. At the bottom of the screen to find a "home" - and a "Back" button. There is information about battery status, a new e-mails and the quality of the radio network. The touch-screen keyboard has brightened. It is now much easier to e-mails or text to write. Via Bluetooth or USB keyboards can be connected right.

A hook, the otherwise stylish Xoom but - at a price. Without a mobile phone contract it costs $ 800 - or 70 dollars more than a comparable iPad. It costs $ 600 with a two-year contract.

Aside from price, to include the Xooom and iPad quite similar. The screen of Xoom is slightly larger than the iPad, the new iPad is it thinner. Both units have only a few real buttons. The Xoom has a volume knob off on one side, a button for one-and sits a bit unhappy on the back.

It's great that there is now a new Web browser, can be used to open multiple tabs. Surfing the Internet becomes much easier. The Xoom has a 5 megapixel camera on the back and a 2-megapixel camera at the front, also with the possibility of video conferences via Google Talk. Battery life is given ten hours of video and nine hours of surfing the web. In the test, it was enough only for six hours - that's not bad, but could be better.

Nevertheless, the Xoom a strong tablet computer and the first real challenger for the iPad. Those who want a tablet PC, but no iPad, and can live with the price for which the Xoom a good choice. And suddenly he is back. The Internet community is pleased and the share price rises: The diseased Apple CEO Steve Jobs made a point to take, iPad introduce second
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Microsoft Starts Countdown to Internet Explorer 6

Microsoft has put online a site to move away from the ten-year old Internet Explorer 6 users to move to. It bears the title " Internet Explorer 6 Countdown "and shows a world map with the current number of users of the outdated browser.

Microsoft hopes that the global use of IE6 soon fall below one percent, so that more websites to give up support for IE6 and Web developers can thus save several hours work. According to the state from February currently employ twelve percent of the 2001's browser.

Especially in Asia, he is still popular: China is an installation rate of 34.5 percent worldwide in the lead, followed by South Korea (24.8 percent), India (12.3 percent), Saudi Arabia and Taiwan ( 10.7 percent each). In Germany, the use is 2.9 percent.

The countdown website contains links to tools for companies that are still on IE6 hold at present because they have developed applications internal, the not to current standards-compliant browser presuppose. Gartner analysts had in November 2010 indicated that a change to A more modern version of Internet Explorer is either expensive or problems bring licensing law. Up to 40 percent of the companies proprietary browser applications did not work properly in IE 8, says the report.

Microsoft is still not tired of constantly improving the security of IE 8 to point out. His successor, IE 9 is already in the wings: Since 10 February there is a release candidate .

In Australia, Microsoft had been in May 2010 to advertise his own product . "They were nine years old not to drink milk - why use a nine-year-old browsers, it was then called on a campaign to corresponding website.
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Android Trojan When Google Smartphone Remote Controls

Google has accessed without knowledge of the users through a back door to 260,000 Android phones. The group wanted to remove a Trojan - and inspired criminals. Lenin was convinced that a good end justifies almost any means - a view that is more controversial today. Done, however, the debate is not how Google shows straight. The group has never asked to 260,000 smart phones with the Android operating system access to a malicious program to delete them on. Access used to be a conscious for just that purpose back door installed in the operating system. The irony: The programmer of such a nasty Trojan used backdoor .

In the past week programs were unknown in the Android App Market 58 set, which contained a trojan. DroidDream as they called the program, which should capture all the phones, which one of the programs are loaded down. While Google removed the affected apps from the download area, but a total of 260,000 phones at this stage were already contaminated.

Google has used then for the second time its ability to access Androidhandys. Using the Remote Application Removal feature turned out the company damaged Apps affected at all smartphones again.

The remote access was done with good intentions, but it is controversial. Because the owners know nothing about and certainly have no chance to prevent it. The company can not only delete apps, but access to the complete operating system and change each setting. As a consequence, this means that an Android phone (Apple can with the iPhone and iPad also as the Microsoft System WP 7), the owner is not really, because the actual control exercised by the Group. As long as it is done in good, this is perhaps not a problem, but no one can check that it stays that way.

And now Google wants a second time by his own backdoor go: The Group has not only the Trojans away, is also in the coming days the software update Android Market Security Tool March 2011 on the affected devices are installed. This makes all unauthorized changes to the phones back. Users and only after it is installed with an e-mail informed in advance.

Another problem: criminals use such back doors. The probability that they get open is a Google-programmed and secure back door, high. On the grounds of higher security device is thus made ultimately uncertain.
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Cyber Attacks on French Finance

The French Finance Ministry sees itself in December 2010 suspended for cyber-attacks. Hackers have the G20, it documents and the state treasury except in, reports the magazine Paris-Match ', according to a report of the' AFP '.

"Between December and this weekend was the Treasury and the economic victims of the unprecedented attack," a source is cited, which should be familiar with the case. The management of the Ministry will be the main target. What are the source virtual attacks is still unknown.

"We have found that a certain part of the information gathered was forwarded to Chinese websites. However, this does not say very much on," said an official, whose name is kept under wraps. Patrick Pailloux, CEO of Roland National Agency for IT Security, said that the hackers behind her documents, which are associated with the French presidency of the G20. In addition, documents on economic matters are being targeted.

Pailloux describes the attackers as a professional and organized. It is the first attack of this magnitude and this degree against France. More than 150 computers in the Ministry have been compromised, so that many documents were stolen. Individuals were not the target of attacks, is currently investigating the matter, the French secret service.
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