AMD has with its AMD Radeon HD 6990 in the dual-GPU graphics business already submitted. According to rumors, NVIDIA is on 22 March follow and AMD GeForce GTX 590 with two GPUs introduce his. So far, the scene credited with the fact that NVIDIA will set out everything you need in dual-GPU area the performance crown to get back. Now we have the clock speeds of the GeForce GTX 590 and therefore it could betray the race most closely be.
For internal groups, we learned that NVIDIA's flagship GPU's with 607 MHz clocks new and derived therefrom, the shader processors with 1214 MHz. The memory however is clocked at 850 MHz and base are just two full-fledged GeForce GTX 580 GPUs are used.
The GeForce GTX 580 GPU and memory clocks but with 772 or 1000 MHz - NVIDIA had to make significant cuts in the memory clock, which is probably the power consumption due. A GeForce GTX 580 has an 8-pin and a 6-pin power connector according to the manufacturer with a maximum power of 244 watts under games. The GTX 590 is equipped with two 8-pin power connectors and is designed officially to a maximum of 375 watts with PCI Express specification. Right here is likely to test for the engineers located, not to exceed the power consumption.
As we have seen further, it is NVIDIA GPUs already selected the maximum voltage under load have the respect. Asked that the voltage 0.96 volts maximum. A GeForce GTX 570 in our test 1.0 volts under load, the GTX 580 even up to 1.06 volts measured with. This selection should yield strong limit and only a few tickets for the market per month, will enable it. From other side, but we have learned that the first cards for sale even at major distributors and online retailers are to be received.
What now for these clock speeds mean performance? Purely mathematical situation is expected to lower clock speeds in an approximately 15 percent low performance impact, possibly even more. And this should be confirmed in the practice, it should be very closely with the target set, the Radeon HD 6990's current performance crown wrest back.
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For internal groups, we learned that NVIDIA's flagship GPU's with 607 MHz clocks new and derived therefrom, the shader processors with 1214 MHz. The memory however is clocked at 850 MHz and base are just two full-fledged GeForce GTX 580 GPUs are used.
The GeForce GTX 580 GPU and memory clocks but with 772 or 1000 MHz - NVIDIA had to make significant cuts in the memory clock, which is probably the power consumption due. A GeForce GTX 580 has an 8-pin and a 6-pin power connector according to the manufacturer with a maximum power of 244 watts under games. The GTX 590 is equipped with two 8-pin power connectors and is designed officially to a maximum of 375 watts with PCI Express specification. Right here is likely to test for the engineers located, not to exceed the power consumption.
As we have seen further, it is NVIDIA GPUs already selected the maximum voltage under load have the respect. Asked that the voltage 0.96 volts maximum. A GeForce GTX 570 in our test 1.0 volts under load, the GTX 580 even up to 1.06 volts measured with. This selection should yield strong limit and only a few tickets for the market per month, will enable it. From other side, but we have learned that the first cards for sale even at major distributors and online retailers are to be received.
What now for these clock speeds mean performance? Purely mathematical situation is expected to lower clock speeds in an approximately 15 percent low performance impact, possibly even more. And this should be confirmed in the practice, it should be very closely with the target set, the Radeon HD 6990's current performance crown wrest back.