Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 Basic information known

AMD has with its AMD Radeon HD 6990 in the dual-GPU graphics business already submitted. According to rumors, NVIDIA is on 22 March follow and AMD GeForce GTX 590 with two GPUs introduce his. So far, the scene credited with the fact that NVIDIA will set out everything you need in dual-GPU area the performance crown to get back. Now we have the clock speeds of the GeForce GTX 590 and therefore it could betray the race most closely be.

For internal groups, we learned that NVIDIA's flagship GPU's with 607 MHz clocks new and derived therefrom, the shader processors with 1214 MHz. The memory however is clocked at 850 MHz and base are just two full-fledged GeForce GTX 580 GPUs are used.

The GeForce GTX 580 GPU and memory clocks but with 772 or 1000 MHz - NVIDIA had to make significant cuts in the memory clock, which is probably the power consumption due. A GeForce GTX 580 has an 8-pin and a 6-pin power connector according to the manufacturer with a maximum power of 244 watts under games. The GTX 590 is equipped with two 8-pin power connectors and is designed officially to a maximum of 375 watts with PCI Express specification. Right here is likely to test for the engineers located, not to exceed the power consumption.

As we have seen further, it is NVIDIA GPUs already selected the maximum voltage under load have the respect. Asked that the voltage 0.96 volts maximum. A GeForce GTX 570 in our test 1.0 volts under load, the GTX 580 even up to 1.06 volts measured with. This selection should yield strong limit and only a few tickets for the market per month, will enable it. From other side, but we have learned that the first cards for sale even at major distributors and online retailers are to be received.

What now for these clock speeds mean performance? Purely mathematical situation is expected to lower clock speeds in an approximately 15 percent low performance impact, possibly even more. And this should be confirmed in the practice, it should be very closely with the target set, the Radeon HD 6990's current performance crown wrest back.
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Batman: Arkham City release in October 2011 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

Batman: Arkham City is expected for action fans the most anticipated titles of 2011 are. That the successor of Arkham Asylum (photo) would come, was already clear for a while, now we know the date.

Batman: Arkham City release on 21 October 2011. Then the story about "Dark Knight" their Continued on the systems PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 find the. This date has just been confirmed by Warner Bros.. Arkham Asylum to be limited to the mental hospital instead, it has now Arkham City with a larger "playing field" in which, of course, the usual myriad of villains romp that to justice must be supplied.

What gameplay and other technical it in Batman: Arkham City will be is not yet clear. But by October, with security from time to time news about the issue before the public dribble again.
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Google Chrome - Survives Pwn2Own Competition Without Hacking Attack

Google Chrome has been attacked on the competition does not arise. The hacking competition Pwn2Own loses this year, at least for some browsers in value. While the reported hacker Firefox did not traveled with any possible security holes and therefore were not tested, was found at least for Google Chrome the two experts reported one.

But his prepared attack was no longer possible, since Google had published just before the competition a new patch that had closed the corresponding gap. So that Google Chrome has survived for the third consecutive Pwn2Own competition.
Android at Google, however, had a lot of luck, do not pay $ 15,000 to the announced need. A developer that it was incorrectly assumed that it found the error-Pwn2Own demands of the competition would meet qualifications had not, these pre-Google and reported to the company as possible in advance to fix the problem.
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Windows Mobile 7: 10,000 Apps in the Marketplace

The online portal ' Windows phone app list 'writes on the official website, that more than 10,000 applications for themobile Windows Phone 7 from Microsoft are available.

This week developer was speculation from the circles of loud, which suggest that expected later this week the 10,000 mark applications from Windows Mobile 7 will be exceeded in the Market Place.

Still be found in the first place in anticipation of the number of available apps, the App Store from Apple. Behind it will join the offering from Google - Android Market - a.

Basically, Microsoft wants to develop applications for its smartphone software, Windows Mobile 7 push the stronger. But they are the employed workers since the end of February more leeway . The company from Redmond will give employees the freedom, leisure Apps for Windows Mobile 7 to write to them.

The rights of the applications remain in the respective programmers. This, the applications on the Windows Mobile market 7 Market Place and receive 70 percent of sales.
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Apple iPad 2: Delivery in the United States has Begun

The Apple iPad 2 can buy in the U.S., for example, on the various Apple retail stores and Apple OnlineStore. Anyone who has already ordered his unit early on, which may have in the next week so expect that the iPad 2 models, the online shop have been bought over, will be delivered. Shipping was prepared for the first iPad 2 supplies already, so we as U.S. consumers no longer have to wait a long time really to Apple's latest Tablet PC in their hands to.

Who iPad 2 does not necessarily have to be ordered soon, the U.S. must therefore expect that the unit of the next or the beginning of the week after next will be delivered until the end. Model is currently on the waiting time of a newly appointed iPad 2-for about three weeks, in many retail stores there are not any devices more on the way , what was once a great success for Apple's talking again. Apple exactly how many devices the first weekend of U.S. sales has to sell, which should be the next time be published in.
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FrenchLeaks the Wikileaks to Mediapart

At its output, Wikileaks has the effect of a bombshell on the web. We can not count the number of reactions and controversies that have swollen and worldwide. But besides this, the famous site has also opened a new path and raised a number of vocations. Proof of this is to celebrate its third anniversary, Mediapart decided to try their luck and publish, in turn, sensitive documents. Even as this project has a name, FrenchLeaks , and its gates have just opened.

And that risk again to do a lot of noise. Note however that the approach of journalists Mediapart has little to do with Wikileaks. In reality, what we found on FrenchLeaks, these are all the documents that were the subject of investigations by journalists of Mediapart. But be careful because the site goes a step further by allowing any user to submit documents in turn. However, before being published, they will be investigated and will be analyzed in depth to ensure their integrity. Logic.

Currently, it is not less than eight files that can be found on FrenchLeaks. Various records, varied and relevant to both the case that Bettencourt Karachi on the case, not to mention the financial crisis of the savings banks or the dark side of empire Bolloré. Then just click on the folder of his choice to view the list of documents it contains. These can be of various natures, in the case of the case may be Bettencourt and find and listen to audio recordings of Patrice de Maistre. Very impressive.

However, what is clear is that the analysis of journalists Mediapart are not available on FrenchLeaks . Which is pretty consistent since the articles published by the newspaper are all pay and the need to s to pay a subscription to access their content. That said, the good side of it is that this approach will help you make your own mind on various issues raised.

There obviously remains the question of anonymity. Mediapart journalists said they would do everything in their power to protect their sources and identities of people who communicate on FrenchLeaks documents. However, no system IT is 100% reliable and if you want to participate in this adventure, it's still better to hide your tracks and send your documents and from an Internet cafe. And preferably in another city than yours, anyway.
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Kinects Xbox 360 Enters the Guinness World Records

Since its launch in November 2010, more than 10 million copies of KINECTS sold out in just four months. Those who thought that one must be an idiot to "wiggle" in front of his television to play the Microsoft console have rage.

Microsoft has managed to do better than the iPhone or iPad (equivalent periods during their launches) and accessory that attaches itself to the Xbox 360 from Microsoft that allows to do without handles just made its entry into the Guinness Book of Records.

The global authority of records ( Guinness World Records ), indicates that the KINECTS for the Xbox 360 became the "fastest-selling device in consumer electronics."

There was an average of 133,333 units sold KINECTS per day, for a total of 8 million KINECTS during the first 60 days of sale of 4 November 2010 to January 3, 2011. That is the figure of 133 333 units KINECTS was chosen for the Guinness World Records.
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iPad 2: Rated 4 / 10 for Ease of Maintenance

IFixit teams, specialists in the unmasking of electronic devices, have methodically dismantled the iPad 2 and deliver their print as well as some technical confirmations. The new Apple tablet has a package screen / touch screen finer than 25% from the first model and the site finally confirms that the iPad 2 contains 512 MB of RAM though and a few components signed Broadcom, Texas Instruments and ST Micro.

But the other side of the fineness of the iPad 2 comes from the fact that it is almost impossible to separate the LCD bezel without breaking the slab. For this reason, iFixit assigns a mediocre rating of 4 / 10 maintenance of the slate.
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