Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

WebGL Presented 1.0 for Internet 3D Acceleration

Developed by the Khronos Group, open interface "WebGL" is based on a simplified version of OpenGL and can be integrated with HTML 5 directly into web pages. In combination with JavaScript allows web pages without detours via a plug-in to use graphics hardware. In the future, WebGL be used primarily for browser games, so far, mostly calculated by the CPU and GPU-accelerated more than a Flash client to benefit from the performance of the graphics card.

Supports WebGL is already of Google Chrome. Mozilla and Opera are coming to the Firefox Opera 10.5 4 and integrate, and Apple plans to integrate the next version of Safari. Only Microsoft boycotted the open standard until further notice and will provide support in Internet Explorer 9 no. According Chip.de limitation could be that the Plug-In Chrome frame around that use the WebKit engine in an Internet Explorer tab allows.

In the Khronos Group is a coalition of over 100 IT companies (including AMD, Nvidia, ATI, Creative, id Software, Sun and Google), which has the development of open source APIs goal. The recent developments are in addition to OpenGL and WebGL also OpenCL and the sound interface OpenSL ES (not used with OpenAL that is primarily developed by Creative).
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U.S. Air Force Shoots Again Mini Spacecraft Into Space

The U.S. military has once again sent a secret mini-spacecraft on a test flight into space. The "Space Plane lifted on Saturday evening (local time) aboard an Atlas V rocket from the military part of the Space Station Cape Canaveral (Florida, U.S.) from, said the U.S. Air Force.

It was the second X-37B launch of a spacecraft's mission within a year. The first test flight lasted seven months. The second flight will serve to further coordination and for comparing the results of the maiden flight, it said. The latest model is equipped with an improved landing system, which will put the miniature space ship even with strong wind, like the newspaper Florida Today "reported.

At the X-37B space ships are a type of unmanned mini-version of the Space Shuttle. They are 8.90 meters long, has a wingspan of 4.5 meters and weighing nearly five tons. The "Space Plane", which is powered from batteries and solar cells with energy, is constructed to orbit the earth at a relatively shallow orbit and then to land on her.

The orbiter is designed for flights of up to 270 days. The Air Force suggested, however, extend beyond the second flight. "We could expand the mission to explore the possibilities of the aircraft to better understand," said program manager Lt. Col. Troy Giese of the newspaper. "We must always keep in mind that this is an experimental aircraft," said Richard McKinney from the U.S. Air Force. "This is just the second start and we have only just begun to test the system thoroughly."

It is unclear what future tasks take the military for the mini-space ship in the eye. The secret program of the Air Force has therefore already led to speculation and criticism. The first "Space Plane-launch last year Russia had accused the U.S. of wanting to militarize space, but which Washington rejected. The Air Force insists that the core of the mission were only testing for new technologies such as for navigation.
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"Internet Explorer 6" Microsoft Does Not Recommend

The developers at Microsoft want to reduce the still notable market share of the now clearly in the aging Internet Explorer 6. The aim of the project, a proportion is below one percent.

For ten years, there is the Internet Explorer 6 from Microsoft already. Are still many internet users of this product to be surf one the web. Especially popular is the browser in China, India, South Korea and the United States. Currently, it is called a market share of 12 percent.

This fact from Redmond, the developers have now finally change something and for that reason the Site, " The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown 'opens. According to the official announcements, these are a matter which we must take seriously.

On this website, the Microsoft developers will be informed at regular intervals on the number of users of Internet Explorer 6. By a decline in market share to less than one percent will ultimately benefit the web developer, since they no longer have to adapt to the realities of outdated browser.

Apart from that found on the website also provides information for companies regarding a switch to a browser version.

Middle of last year launched a similar campaign Microsoft . The motto was: "Do not drink milk nine years old, so a nine-year-old browsers use why". In this case, Microsoft would make clear that the expiry date of the Internet Explorer 6 was crossed long ago.

For several days, which is release candidate of Internet Explorer 9 is now available for download. On 14 March this year, then the final version of the browser by Microsoft in version 9 released from.
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Google Apps Removes Malware from Smartphones

The few days before discovered Android programs with malicious functions from Google recently from a distance away from affected smartphones since. Security researchers have also provided the mechanism of the new malware.

In a blog post explains Google's unusual action. The user that one of the recently emerged in the Android Market Apps 21 malicious software installed to both an e-mail from android-market-support@google.com and get a reference directly to the smartphone. The device has indicated that "Android Market Security Tool March 2011" has been installed automatically. This program removes the malware.

After that affected customers will receive a further email with the conclusion of the process indicates. The entire event will take place the next three days in gradually. Google was the first time in mid-2010 of the opportunity, apps from a distance whatsoever. These were two applications that have been published for testing of security researchers. The programs included but not malicious routines.

Now this is according to Google is also largely the case: the questionable Apps is just to have access to receive the serial number (IMEI / IMSI) - whether these numbers were sent out about the forgery of an instrument, even to the attacker is not Google . Instead, the company points out that products from the Android version 2.2.2 can not be affected.

Kaspersky is a description of the attack , which also noted that the serial number are sent to a server entirely. The security researchers, the attack uses a mechanism that obtaining root privileges is also widespread. This "root" of Android devices is becoming increasingly popular to the operating system to use modified versions. It is also a way to the device neglected smartphones with new versions of Android to be provided by the manufacturer.

Why do users download the malware to their phones at all, says Kaspersky also be chopped and are offered free versions of popular apps and otherwise act. Paid it
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Apple IPad 2 with 70 Percent Market Share in 2011

The same price as its predecessor, plus various optimizations - for many analysts and observers of the young sector of the Tablets, Apple has the competition this week with the iPad two other deep stab dealt a. Current predictions support the supremacy of the current year.

15 million copies of the first version of the iPad had been sold to Apple's own information and was therefore unchallenged at the top of the market. The iPad 2 is due to better hardware equipment and disposed of some problem areas that had the first model, seamlessly build on the success. The market researchers from Asia do not expect a lower market share than 70 percent for the current year.

IPad that even with the competition for attention has maintained the two, showed the almost following the presentation became known statement from Samsung, the price and the upcoming Tablet flagship Galaxy Tab 10.1 or even think about design like. This should be on manufacturer Samsung is not the only big time, for many this year announced Tablets based on Android or Windows are not yet commercially available and are often not even an official price.

Update 06.03.2011 13:06 clock
Even the analysts at Forrester Research dare to first predictions . Accordingly, 2011, even up to 80 percent market share in tablets on the iPad 2, no. The reasons are mainly the perfect marketing strategy of the Group, divided into the emotional attachment of customers but also the whole environment of the offers to service named. Of the more than 24 million tablets, which this year will be sold in the United States, therefore, be up to 20 million units to iPad 2 be deleted.
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SOCOM: Special Forces - Further Beta Dates

As we reported earlier, local PlayStation Plus subscribers from 23 March opportunity which, in the multiplayer beta of Shooters: Special Forces "SOCOM dive. The info comes from the German official PlayStation blog .

The national counterparts are given more dates. So it is on the European PlayStation blog that the beta from the 6th April is open to all interested players. In Germany, the test version appeared in the open phase will not.

On the U.S. PlayStation blog is again a closed beta mentioned that on 15 March starts. Here is an invitation is needed. The PS Plus exclusive beta begins in North America on 22 March. Players who purchase a beta code of "Killzone 3" got the can, from 29 March move into battle - the open beta will open on 5 April, the U.S. doors.
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Deus Ex 3 - Human Revolution: Eidos Unveils Release Next Week

After several shifts in Eidos Montreal has the release date of Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution still covered. That should change next week: As the developer confirmed now, it is namely the release date of the action role-playing game will be revealed.

According to the current - and yet unconfirmed - Information Booth, Deus Ex is 3: Human Revolution early in April this year, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC appear for. After publisher Square Enix and developer Eidos Montreal after several shifts still covered hold, wanted to exact release date of the upcoming action role-playing game in the next week to unveil. The announcement of the release date of Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution confirmed Jean-François Dugas, art director for the game, on short message service Twitter.

In Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution, which is located in 2027 - before the first Deus Ex, one takes off with the protagonist Adam Jensen. The game will offer, according to Square Enix about 20 hours of play, but without, for example, to meet the side missions or other tasks that are not absolutely necessary to get to the end of the role play.
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Donkey Kong Country Returns Planned

Donkey Kong Country Returns is really good, newcomers will appreciate the simple game mechanics and player of the old school are delighted to see that the jump and run like the old "Donkey Kong feels Country' games. And since the game has been praised worldwide by the press, one can surely hope for a successor.

As producer Kensuke Tanabe Nintendo now but said there will be no successor. At the very least would have nothing planned at the moment, it includes a new Donkey Kong Country but not in the future. Whether this is true only for the Wii or the Nintendo 3DS, is not known. But there will be such that one can download the 3DS 'Game Boy' classic - it would be only logical to include Donkey Kong Country would be.
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Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Video Trailer

Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Studios and developer NetherRealm give the fans now have a further insight into the gameplay of the upcoming reboot of the "Mortal Kombat"series.

The 300 Level bein conservative Tower Challenge mode contains the return of old favorites "Test Your Might and Test Your Sight", as well as some new features.

Developed by NetherRealm Studios, this is the 9th Entry in the long time series of the "Mortal Kombat"series. The history of the title of the "Mortal Kombat: Armageddon 'tie before she returns to that of the first trilogy.

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