The hacker group LulzSec, author of numerous attacks in recent months, government agencies and large companies, it would disrupting. The same group has announced through its Twitter account. The declaration of lulz Security could be a sign of weakness caused by the ongoing investigations, after the group claimed responsibility for the attacks even the CIA, FBI partner organizations, the U.S. Senate, video game and entertainment companies and porn sites.
From Britain, meanwhile, bounces off the news that the young British hacker arrested on the night between Monday and Tuesday in the south of England would be affected by a form of autism. In the courtroom where Ryan Cleary, aged 19, appeared yesterday was presented the report of a psychologist who visited him in jail where he is detained. "He has a great fear of prison - said his
Ben Cooper - and the 'been diagnosed with a form of autism, now just wants to go home to his mother and find friends, books, and his chat. " At the hearing the young man was described as an intelligent boy but very shy and relationship problems. Clearly Ryan will appear again tomorrow before the magistrate who will examine 'request for parole again presented by its defenders.
Initially he had been granted but the prosecution has blocked an action. Suspected of belonging to the group of hackers 'lulz Security', which recently claimed attacks against Sony and the U.S. Senate, the young man was arrested after a 'joint inquiry of the British police and the FBI in America. When his lawyers have not disputed any of the charges against him were motivated. The young pirate of the Web in particular is accused of attacking sites in the British Phonographic Industry, the Association of British record companies, and against the 'Serious Organized Crime Agency', a kind of FBI in the United Kingdom and other countries in the raid . Lulz Security denies knowing him.