Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

RIM Wants to Deport BlackBerry Messenger on Android Devices and IOS

Research in Motion would mount bridges with Google and Apple and broaden access to its instant messaging application BBM other mobile environments. RIM would have engaged in discussions with Google and Apple to deport its instant messaging application BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) on the environment or iOS Android (smartphones, tablets).

Is afforded by this blog "techie" Boy Genius Report (BGR) citing multiple sources. These elements come as Research In Motion is putting on its orbit tablet playbook , which could be compatible with Android applications to attract more attention from developers. Another rumor that RIM is developing a platform to provide comprehensive support for Android all BlackBerry devices.

"According to our records, RIM has yet to finalize the details regarding the timing of the launch [probably this year, note] and pricing but it seems that the designer of the BlackBerry could deliver it for free," continued Boy Genius Report. "RIM continues to reflect on the overall strategy but it seems that RIM is developing a price structure with timely access or subscription access BBM from a third platform."

If its elements are realized, it is a strong signal of commitment to RIM catch up on the smartphone segment facing dynamic environments such as Android and IOS.
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Has Microsoft Provided $ 1 Billion to Nokia?

As part of its partnership in smartphones, the Redmond company would open its wallet to attract Finnish. One month after the alliance signed between Microsoft and Nokia to allow him to use the operating system Windows Mobile Phone 7 (l ire our article ), the first indiscretions on the financial value of the transaction emerge. This is the day that Bloomberg understands according to his sources that Microsoft has not paid less than $ 1 billion to the Finnish manufacturer.

And this to weigh the balance of his side against Google. The agreement apparently signed for a period of 5 years is therefore a good case for Nokia ... but also that Microsoft would receive royalties for every Windows smartphone by Nokia Phone 7 elapsed.
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The Price of The Xbox 360 Will Drop in June?

According to analyst Michael Pachter of video games, an expert on this, Microsoft would include lowering the price of the Xbox 360 this June, and it will announce at E3 this year in Los Angeles.

He acknowledged that the costs have not officially dropped for 18 months, and that the time has come for Microsoft to be more aggressive with its competitors, especially with the success of KINECTS. Pachter thinks the pack console + KINECTS could fall below $ 300 (£ 185) in June For now, such a bundle costs £ 255.

Moreover, according to Pachter, the decision by Microsoft will bring the PS3 and Wii also lower their prices. He said that the declining popularity of the Wii could be tempered by lower prices and we should expect that all three consoles cost $ 50 less by next Christmas.
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Internet Explorer Slows its Fall in Europe

According to AT Internet, Microsoft web browser now seems stronger in Europe. Real recovery or just break? AT Internet has unveiled its latest statistics on market share of web browsers in Europe. In one year, the fall of Internet Explorer (IE) has been dramatic, growing from 58% to 49.1% market share.

This decline has mainly benefited Chrome , which has now captured 10.9% market share, against 4.5% a year ago. Safari is also showing a rise to 7.4% (+2.3 points ). Firefox arrives for his part just to maintain, with 29.5% market share (+0.1 point). The old guard (IE, Firefox) seems to suffer the face of rising architected around WebKit browsers (Chrome and Safari). The market share of Opera for their part remain stable at 2.4% .

Interestingly, had the market share of IE in enterprises that allow Microsoft's offer to keep their heads above water. On weekdays, this product is used by 50.5% of Internet users, against 44.4% on weekends.

AT Internet appears finally explains IE stop the slide in recent weeks. Thus, if it loses 3.8 points over the last six months, between December and January's decline is only 0.1% . IE is it about to go up the slope? Not so on. According to StatCounter measures , the decline of the browser is continuous over the last twelve months. Same is with Firefox, however, limited by the case. Finally, Chrome would increase from 5.78% to 15.47% market share in one year.
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Samsung Galaxy Pro : Smartphone Android Avec Clavier Physique

After the HTC Z Desire , the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Pro and Pro Mini, it's time for Samsung to join the family of smartphones Android physical keyboard. The South Korean declines once again its Galaxy and the Galaxy will propose Pro, very close to a BlackBerry in terms of design .

Android running 2.2 (embellished TouchWizz interface), the latter has a 800 MHz processor . This smartphone offers a one-piece format LCD touch screen of 2.8 inches and provides a physical keyboard for messaging. There is also a 3 megapixel camera, 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth and a 2.0 micro-USB port for wire transfers. It will be possible to extend the internal memory via the microSD slot / microSDHC (up to 32 GB) .

However no information on its battery and its autonomy and its price . We just know it will first be launched in England in the operator Three .
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AMD Radeon HD 6990: Reference Models to Account

Each launch of a new high-end graphics card comes with an onslaught of ads and the AMD Radeon HD 6990 is no exception, especially when many partners see an opportunity to associate the phrase "more powerful in the world " their brand. Yet rarely a launch had been so monotonous ...

None of the many models announced today is indistinguishable from the actual reference model and its operating frequencies. Manufacturers are satisfied with a sticker to their colors and packaging to differentiate themselves from each other. Suffice to say that under these conditions, there remains the argument that the price to make a difference.

Let's talk price! The "MSRP" of 600 euros in this bi-GPU is undoubtedly one of the main spots ... Even if it would materialize. Stocks are clearly reduced if one of the few resellers offering one of these cards respects. There is thus up nearly 10% increase in others.

The AMD Radeon HD 6990 is therefore likely to remain a technological showcase, dedicated just want to kill wealthy record of performance and power consumption ...?
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Advertising in The PC Version of Skype

The Skype software will now integrate banner ads into its main window. This newcomer on the PC version will be initially limited geographically. This is a ticket on his blog that Skype announced that the Windows version of its VoIP software now contain advertising. It is limited for the moment the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, but an extension to the rest of the world should not delay.

In his post, the company said it had done everything that advertising does not become invasive and does not hinder the user when it uses Skype. No pop-up then. Instead, a simple banner to highlight the products of the first advertisers, as Groupon, Universal Pictures or Visa.

Skype also announced that the banner of an advertiser should appear only once per day for a given user. Good news, except that the broadcast service also explains some personal data (location, sex, age ...) to better target advertisements. Although it is possible to disable sharing them.
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Google Maps is a Bison Smart Navigation

Google has updated its mapping service and GPS Navigation Maps, available for Android phones. Now, this mobile application integrates the traffic condition in real time. Applying Google Maps Mobile Navigation has a new feature. The service mapping firm in Mountain View now takes into account the real-time traffic and proposes alternative routes in case of congestion.

The update, known as version 5.2, available in North America and Europe, thus offering a free GPS to all holders of a smartphone or tablet Android and can complete the list of navigation tools offered by Google .

Listed since August 2009, this service operates through a service totally in the cloud "unlike traditional GPS.

Indeed, information is generated in real time by analyzing the speed of the users of the Google Maps navigation. Then these data are received and compared with those of other users.
Google can display the traffic conditions and propose the fastest routes to avoid congestion. But the Mountain View company cautions that errors are possible since it is still a beta.
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