Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

The Price of The Xbox 360 Will Drop in June?

According to analyst Michael Pachter of video games, an expert on this, Microsoft would include lowering the price of the Xbox 360 this June, and it will announce at E3 this year in Los Angeles.

He acknowledged that the costs have not officially dropped for 18 months, and that the time has come for Microsoft to be more aggressive with its competitors, especially with the success of KINECTS. Pachter thinks the pack console + KINECTS could fall below $ 300 (£ 185) in June For now, such a bundle costs £ 255.

Moreover, according to Pachter, the decision by Microsoft will bring the PS3 and Wii also lower their prices. He said that the declining popularity of the Wii could be tempered by lower prices and we should expect that all three consoles cost $ 50 less by next Christmas.

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