Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Twitter Brings 2.4 Million Users in France

According to a study Semiocast, a startup specializing in Parisian trend analysis on the Web, Twitter has about 210 million users worldwide. Among them, 2.4 million are in France, notes Silicon.fr .

This study of a sample of 52 million profiles worldwide, representing 24% of the followers of micro-blogging service, shows that the French seem more adept at Facebook - which brings together more than 20 million French users - as Twitter tweets.

Launched in March 2006, Twitter has passed the million profiles in France in 2010. But the same year, the two million mark was crossed.

Even if a slowdown in enrollment was observed in mid-2010, a significant increase was found with 160 000 new profiles for the month of February 2011.

France ranks as the 17th largest in the world in terms of users and represents only 1.1% of all location-based profiles. As for the leading trio, it is constituted by the United States, Japan and Brazil. The UK comes in fourth position with 10.5 million users.

Moreover, this study shows that only 1 user on 11 protects his Twitter account in France. Indeed, when an account is opened, it is public by default.

In other words, any user can view a list of tweet issued. The account can of course be protected later in order not to restrict access to their contacts. But few users do so visibly.

Still, the report states that "France is in 6th position of the countries where the accounts are the most protected (8.9%), behind Singapore (17.2%), Malaysia (14.8%), the Philippines (10.8%), United States (10.7%) and India (9.9%). In contrast, only 2% of Japanese users book their messages to their friends. "

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