Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

SEGA: We made too many Sonic games

Playstation Network gets a special pack of hedgehog in its twentieth anniversary. "We have been doing too many games on Sonic . " It's been shown sincere Mike Hayes, chief of the western division of SEGA on the large number of titles seen on the blue hedgehog in the last two generations.

According to the manager, the franchise reached its nadir with the release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Sonic The Hedgehog, a title that was to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the series in style and was criticized: "[That] was most likely the worst Metacritic we've had. "

"What this taught us - and it is very difficult to see - we have two very different audiences for Sonic," said Hayes , "the original fan base, which is huge, and then we have a younger audience than just Sonic sees a good icon but want a game that is relevant to them. "

The manager blames the "confusion "of these two targets audience as a reason for the low quality of the last games of the series, and adds that "the development teams now have very clear where they need to try and run their games these go ahead. I think Generations (surely the most anticipated Sonic the past few years) will be very loved by loyal fan base. "

To celebrate two decades of one of the biggest icons in gaming history, who wrote letters of gold in the genre of platforms with its incredible tetralogy released on Mega Drive for the 4th generation, PlayStation Network gets the "Pack Sonic 20 Anniversary, "composed of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2 brilliant sequel to the great Sonic Adventure with his update pack DX, the recent Sonic 4: Episode 1 and a moving target based on the latter.

All at a price of € 17.99 for a limited time, ending accurate within twenty days, like today released the demo of Sonic Generations.

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