Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Hacker Alarm on Finance Agency

An embarrassing margin of safety on the Internet provides in the Federal Finance Agency for excitement. According to the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) was for years the Finance Agency offers Internet users manipulate everyone. This was made ​​possible a graphical data manager , to which one could gain access without the password. In addition, there have been security holes in online banking. The financial agency in Frankfurt is the central service for the borrowing by the Federal Loan and Federal Treasuries.

According to CCC safety concerns would be the potential financial loss from the small have been more. "Fortunately, you as a customer of the financial agency in writing by post to confirm all orders, "said Frank Rosengart by CCC. This media break was annoying, but care for more security. "At worst, money would scale back the customer can be booked on the account," he says. It remains unclear whether access to customer data was possible. "We try to clarify," said a spokesman for the Finance Agency.

No sooner had the CCC the vulnerabilities made ​​public, the Finance Agency took the web server from the network. Due to maintenance on the website and am an online presence is not available, the official reason. Investment contracts are currently on the customer service center only.

The spokesman confirmed yesterday to request established a link between the alleged maintenance and criticism of the CCC. The decision to take the site from the network, it is not been the cause. Rather, internal systems have shown that Web attacks have taken place on the website, which is why the finance agency was at the Frankfurt prosecutor made criminal complaint against unknown persons. Whether you suspect someone, he would say not.

Humanly it would have involved in the alleged hacker attack to the work of the CCC, after an anonymous tip of the vulnerability checked - and only then informed the Finance Agency and the press.

Because of the ad makes you look there is little worry. Most of them come in such cases, a process because a process is embarrassing for the institution concerned.

The authority responsible for support of web web agency Bipper Brandao from Offenbach disclaims any responsibility for the security issue out of hand. "We have been engaged just four months ago to a system navigator to program for the finance agency," said the CEO Arne Bipper the Frankfurter Rundschau.

The hearing before a three-quarters of a year still quite different. At that time, told the magazine W & V, that Offenbacher worry about the future care and development of the entire website.

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