Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Download Speed ​​Test for Firefox

Firefox: The starting rate is a constant issue in the criticism of the otherwise popular Mozilla browser. Mozilla developers have now taken the initiative and 25 add-ons placed on the pillory, the delayed browser start blame should be on. On average, the Firefox will start by each installed extension by 10 percent held back for so Justin Scott from the add-on team at Mozilla.

What's more: Over time, collect a variety of extensions that do not just make the browser faster. Who has the feeling, Firefox 4 takes forever until it is finally loaded, this can now using the more experimental Firefox extension About Startup check.

Make firefox faster
After installing the add-ons you give to the next browser start simple "about: startup" in the address bar of your browser. Based on the now displayed values ​​can be observed how long Firefox 4 currently required to start - this is measured in three different stages: The first stage relates to the start ("main"), followed by the recovered articles of the previous session ("session restored" ) and most recently uploaded pictures ("first paint").

If you install add-on that is suspected of making Firefox slower, then disable it for testing, and simply run the speed test again. To do this, the add-on manager, and click on the appropriate add-on just click the "Clear" button.

Then you start the browser again and type "about: startup" in the address bar, to obtain values ​​of the new - and, eventually, performance brake permanently, to adopt from. Tip: Conversely, can have an extension course, tuning tools for Firefox to verify their effectiveness.

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