Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Nokia alliance with Microsoft and new smartphones

Nokia unveils new models and try to raise its head: now the stock market has risen by 3.85% although in absolute terms the action of the Finnish mobile phone maker halved again expresses prices year to date, and if we start from March 2010 is worth almost a third (just under 12 euros then, little more than four today).

The models presented in Singapore on a number of the group, Stephen Elop, ranging from the cheapest ones (aimed primarily at emerging markets) to your smartphone N9, which should arrive in distribution during 2011. "The reality - Elop said - is that 90% of the world's population does not have or can not afford a smartphone and this creates an opportunity gap. " He added: "For Nokia is starting a new era: the beginning of this year we outlined a comprehensive strategy based on innovation, today we have made ​​important strides in establishing a new path of innovation," he added.

The move to Windows, with first products expected to arrive later this year, will be gradual and the intention is to keep alive even Symbian and Meego (born agreement with Intel). Today Nokia launched three new models of mobile phones with Symbian Series 40 (Nokia C2-02, Nokia and Nokia C2-03 C2-06) and the Nokia N9, running Meego (born agreement with Intel). Less than a month ago, Nokia had suffered a deep slide, with losses exceeding 17% in one day, because of the company's decision

to cut the estimated results for the second quarter and did not deliver the target for the entire 2011. At that time Nokia had said it expected second-quarter sales for the division telephones substantially lower than the range previously set between 6.1 and 6.6 billion euros, mainly due to lower average prices and volumes to the previous estimates .

Nokia and globally in the smartphone segment in the first quarter of 2011 was exceeded by Apple in Italy in April was still in front with 32.8% (25.9% to Apple). "With Microsoft we have built an ecosystem to fight Apple and Android," said a spokeswoman for Nokia in Italy, adding that the group "still has room for growth."

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