Senin, 20 Juni 2011

App Store is generic Apple defeat from Amazon?

According to the court can not defend the brand Apple App Store, saying that creates confusion among consumers. Jobs's company for now has not been able to prove this thesis. Still, the question on the generality of the name.

Apple will probably lose the case brought to defend the brand against App Store Amazon. This is the opinion of a U.S. judge, that the Cupertino company has not provided convincing material to support their thesis.

Amazon would be right then: use the App Store for a service other than Apple is not likely to cause confusion among consumers. Unlike the argument made ​​by Apple.
You may remember how the question was born a few weeks ago, when Amazon created its shop online for Android, App Store named this fact. Apple responded almost immediately with a complaint , explaining that it might suffer heavy damages the image, because "it creates confusion among consumers."

Amazon, however, defended himself by saying that the App Store is a generic name , and demanded the dismissal of the case. Since then others have followed the facts, which have seen take the field even Microsoft, HTC, Sony Ericsson and others . Last month, Apple has also taken an official position, opening a new case to show that the App Store is not generic , and that the term can refer simply to a shop.

Judge Phyllis Hamilton - who runs the first case - believes that "probably" will store the request of Apple . Fact, the company would not be able to establish its case, but the judge will review all materials before making a final decision. For the moment it would seem that consumers are not confused, though.

"I'm worried by what you have shown so far, but for the moment it is difficult that you can win this case" the judge said in court.

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