Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Microsoft Windows Mobile 7 will overtake Apple iOS

The high point in market share to Android, however, already reached 2012th Then, worldwide 310 million to 630 million mobile phones sold Android installed. Subsequently, the market share of Google's system in 2015 will fall slightly. Will increase, however, the number of smartphones sold. Were in 2010 only 300 million devices worldwide, in the year 2015 more than 1.1 billion new smartphones.

Microsoft's mobile operating system is able to increase its spread slowly to forecast the market researchers at the U.S. Institute. In 2012, the system will take about ten percent market share. Thus, it would still significantly behind Apple and RIM. The cooperation with Nokia will however make 2015 the breakthrough. However, Microsoft will achieve in this period by no means a similar distribution, as it has done that Nokia's own Symbian in 2010. Nokia Symbian itself is not followed, so Gartner calculates that the operating system will disappear by 2015 almost entirely from the market.

Apple lost market share in
How many market research firm Gartner is also assumed that the market share of Apple in the coming years will move only between 15 and 20 percent. The highlight of the distribution will reach Apple even this year. Then shall the company in the world this year alone sell almost 91 million units.

RIM's share of the new equipment is sold already to go back this year. According to Gartner ranked the manufacturer in 2010 still in third place behind Symbian and Android. RIM will be around in 2015 about eleven percent market share. Carolina Milanesi, Gartner is also characterized by a correlation between smartphones and tablets. "If you already own a smartphone with an open operating system will most likely buy a tablet with the same system, providing a more easily compare data and apps is guaranteed." Conversely applies Match: Tablet owners who do not have a smartphone, be a purchase that is well understood by the operating system of the tablet.

New players unlikely
Gartner considered in the forecast, only the shares of the new devices sold. It can therefore be assumed that the real distribution of market shares by existing older units of this forecast is different. The market researchers do not believe that coming years a new player on the market will come in the. Comparable results Comscore delivered last for the U.S. market, which is also dominated by Android now. In Germany, however, still dominate the market Apple devices.

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