Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Windows Mobile 7: 10,000 Apps in the Marketplace

The online portal ' Windows phone app list 'writes on the official website, that more than 10,000 applications for themobile Windows Phone 7 from Microsoft are available.

This week developer was speculation from the circles of loud, which suggest that expected later this week the 10,000 mark applications from Windows Mobile 7 will be exceeded in the Market Place.

Still be found in the first place in anticipation of the number of available apps, the App Store from Apple. Behind it will join the offering from Google - Android Market - a.

Basically, Microsoft wants to develop applications for its smartphone software, Windows Mobile 7 push the stronger. But they are the employed workers since the end of February more leeway . The company from Redmond will give employees the freedom, leisure Apps for Windows Mobile 7 to write to them.

The rights of the applications remain in the respective programmers. This, the applications on the Windows Mobile market 7 Market Place and receive 70 percent of sales.

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