Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Tweets 1 Billion in One Week,Twitter Celebrating Anniversary

Twitter is celebrating its fifth anniversary. For the anniversary, Twitter has even published some figures on his blog that show how the micro-blogging service has grown in recent years.

In March 2006, it all started, a small team consisting of the founder Isaac "Biz Stone, Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey, is working on a prototype of Twitter. First, the service was "twttr referred. Later this was renamed to Twitter. So Twitter has developed:

  • It took three years, two months and one day, sent to a billion tweets were. Now this amount is reached within a week!
  • A year ago, were sent average of 50 million tweets per day. In February 2011 there were 140 million per day. The strongest days: 11 March 2011. Since 177 million was Twittering time.
  • On 25 Michael Jackson died in June 2009. On this day 456 tweets per second were withdrawn. Four seconds after the year 6939 were measured tweets per second.
  • Every day gets Twitter 460 000 new users. Proportion of mobile users increased by 182 percent last year.
  • The team was larger. In January there were eight permanent staff, now in March it will be 400th

Twitter can therefore rightly be proud of these numbers. Nevertheless, enjoy, especially the daily new account numbers with caution. Twitter says that is not as attend many of these really active.

Exactly that is of course a big problem, many of the new users do not participate in listen only to the Twitter stream. Nevertheless, Twitter is larger and still tries to be profitable.

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